
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

How To Mod Skyrim! Xbox 360! Tutorial! Easy! Horizon & USB Flash Drive!

(Update: Recently we tried to download the file for the mod and Malwarebytes a anti-malware/virus product did pick it up BUT I must say the file so far seems to only be picked up by a certain few select really strong and strict AV programs so although it could be a virus we do not believe it is harming our computer that we had it uploaded on. CAN YOU VERIFY POSSIBLE IF ITS A VIRUS? DO YOU KNOW HOW TO DETECT THEM BETTER THEN WE CAN? SAY A MASS SCAN OF A BUNCH OF PROGRAMS DIFFERENT ONES TO SEE IF ITS A VIRUS ON MORE THEN ONE PROGRAM? OR DO YOU KNOW OF ANY MODS THAT YOU FEEL LIKE SHARING THEN LET US KNOW ASAP PLEASE!!!!) THANKS!

 Gold On Skyrim!
Its this easy to mod! YES! It actually is really easy to learn if you do not have any idea you normally have a whole bunch of websites that band together in their forums and help each user out personally with their own chat rooms even sometimes but even on the forums if you cant find the question you are looking for already answered because someone already had the same question and had asked before you then you can just sign up quick and make a account and make a post of your own on the forum that you chose to use and I am sure with the loyal following these sites have you will find someone to give you a good idea of what to do or how to do it and nothing I have to say here is meant to be took for real and you can not hold me responsible for anything that happens if anything where to or does no matter what! You agreed by coming to this site alone that I am not responsible for nothing and you did the agreement by just being on here if you do not like that then you can simply leave by clicking here!

I think this mod is 100% legit! You get all of pretty much anything you can think of worth value in Skyrim a game by Bethesda creators of the The Elder Scrolls and more!


Simple Mods : Ultimate Skyrim Mod! Quick and Easy Tutorial - USB (Xbox 360) - YouTube


(The links for the downloads are in the description of this video on the actual YouTube website you can click on the title above this video and go directly to the video and click show description!)
You basically just copy a file of your profile from Xbox onto a USB Flash Drive and then you just upload it to Horizon and as soon as you open Horizon it should have a devices manager so you can see all devices on your computer and your USB Flash Drive should already be found at that point just find the program you downloaded the file that is the mod and take the mod file and drag and drop it from the desktop or where ever just as long as you drop it right onto the same spot the guy in the video does. You should know where but if not its the part that says devices and shows he device that you need to put it in which is the USB flash drive. You must do this through Horizon I guess. I do know yo do not need any sort of paid version of Horizon even though it does come with a premium version I have just tried the FREE version of the program.

 You should always do this with Skyrim already being played on that profile so what I like to do is to play the begging just until after the part where you are done with the intro and the follower that is with you goes his own way! Then you should save the game and then get out of it and at that point you should start this process of modding the game if you are going to do so or if someone was going to mod the game and it was allowed! You can actually get banned but like I mention before and now and still will I have not heard of anyone getting banned off this mod so it seems like its really only online games and what not that can be enough to get you banned because other players can see your clearly probably modding if your stats are sky high and you are just bossing through the whole game each mission is like its nothing! :P

Now you should just be able to plug the USB Flash Drive back into the Xbox and as long as you remember this you should already have played the first mission of Skyrim which would be the tutorial part I am talking about right after you are done creating a character you should get to the point where you eventually are on free roam and your own the other guy has went his own place and left then save and you should almost always be able to get the mod to work without no problems. Thanks to who ever created this video that is for sure I had to learn from this one I started with this and went from their pretty much you can edit anything on the Xbox although just online games and what not can get you banned and doing this in general I think has the possibility of you getting banned but I still actually do not know of this mod getting someone banned although it is just for Skyrim. Well that is all for now and the file links are appearing to look fine under my anti virus if anyone finds out anything wrong comment it ASAP so I can take this down or improve the post/fix it!

Here is the video tutorial by some YouTube user and no its not me so the 2 links I just know don't show up as bad on my computer so if they do on yours you should comment back here asap so I can fix or take this down! Thanks! :)

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