
Saturday, February 22, 2014

Quick Guide To Modding From ModThis! USB Flash Drive Required!

Quick Guide To Modding From ModThis! USB Flash Drive Required!

Quick Guide To Modding A Xbox 360 With A 16GB USB Flash Drive. (16GB is recommended for GTA:5 as says on the back of the game even I believe.). In this tutorial I will just quick go over the steps on how you can mod a Xbox 360 with any mod for just about any game!

You will first need the following items:
  • USB Flash Drive.
  • Modio Modding Software.
  • Extra Or New Account. (Doesn't Have To Be Signed In Or Even Have A Account Created As Long As You Can Play Your Game With The Profile You Are Fine.)
  • Xbox 360.
  • A Xbox 360 Game.
  • A Television.

Okay start off with taking your USB and plugging it into the Xbox 360 USB ports one of them it doesn't really matter which USB port you plug it into. After that you will need to go sign in to the profile that you are going to be using for the mods and mods only and keep a backup of your main account just encase anything goes wrong you do not want to loose everything you actually worked for in all your games.

Now you go into the settings and you find storage and then just switch the whole profile over to the USB flash drive. Once you do that you just need to take the USB and come back to your computer and plug it into the computer do not touch anything on it and make sure before you do this that you played past the first level of most games like the introduction levels are what I am talking about for instance do not try mod Skyrim if you aren't already at very least past that first introduction where you are still tied up and the dragon is attacking. Wait until you get into the building and your hands are no longer tied together then you can save MAKE SURE YOU SAVE the game and then you can proceed to plug it into your computer like mentioned before.

Now that its in the computer you should be able to navigate to and then search Google for something like "Modio Official Website/Download" etc.. Something that will take you to the official site to download Modio off of. Then you shall simply download the program then from their open it up after installing it and you will be able to load your profile information into the program and then the program will also allow you to search for mods and all that cool fun stuff to put on your USB so when you go ahead and want to use the mods you just take the USB put it into the Xbox 360 wait until your profile you loaded on the USB appears then simply log on and start playing and the mods will generally have a description on how to use them or if they just automatically apply them self. Thanks and hope this helps! :)

GameTuts - Download Modio

HorizonMB - Mod Tool


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